Advanture Magazine 06 out now!
Pre-orders are open until Sunday 1st August. Will you get a copy of our limited vanlife journal for your collection?
Issue 06 of the adventure vanlife journal
In the new issue we have a real adventure DIY build, by a young woman from the Netherlands. Check out how she turned a standard VW Crafter into a purposeful base camp for sports like kitesurfing, snowboarding and MTB.

We also travel to Italy for 6 months of off-grid adventure living, with PlanB and their cool SpaceCamper T6.1 4motion.

Advanture Magazine 06 out now. Printed in the UK on sustainably sourced paper using a quality vegetable-based ink. This issue has 58 pages of the best curated adventure vanlife content.Â
Please help us spread the news about Advanture Magazine. We are passionately developing this publication for the adventure vanlife market. Every reader buying a magazine is a huge win, and will help us continue living the dream of printing a fantastic vanlife journal.